Non-binding invidual configuration
100% Made in Germany
Telephone consultation: +49 5742 - 461041

About us

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tRACK: from idea to implementation

Other people bring back memories from their travels – we bring back ideas. We collect impressions and let ourselves be inspired by different lifestyles. By restaurants and hotels that exude luxury, charm and atmosphere. And, of course, by people who express their attitude to life through their homes. All over the world. For us, design is boundless. That's what tRACK stands for.

Individual multi-talent

Our living space is the reflection of our personality. This thought guides us in our work. In everything we do, we are focused on people. And every person is unique, unmistakable, individual. Just like tRACK, our visually distinctive shelving system, which combines both everything that is important to us and everything we stand for.

Our tRACK is an intelligent multi-talent that amalgamates all the impressions we have gathered on our travels around the world. On these journeys, we always look for what’s special and track down new ideas. We draw from sources that not many people know about and let ourselves be inspired by our experiences. This is how tRACK came into being.

Elegance with tRACK

A successful combination of form, colour and material. To achieve this, we have skilfully combined unconventional materials such as wood structures, natural colours, stone, leather textiles in an aesthetically pleasing way. The result is your individual tRACK, which gives every room a special elegance, glamour, charm and aura. We want to bring this style experience to your home with the tRACK.

Let the tRACK become the stage for your favourite pieces. Things that are important to you, that tell a story.

That tell your story
tRACK is the new brand of the Kesseböhmer group of companies

What the press says

"tRACK - a system for 1000 ideas: With the tRACK shelving system, architects and planners can use spaces and complete concepts without compromising on design standards."

To the article

"A shelf for a lifetime: Durability is also playing an increasingly important role when it comes to living. Design fans want clear shapes instead of fashionable capers and high-quality products instead of cheaply produced goods with an expiry date. Modular living systems take on these challenges."

"We are pleased to announce that our tRACK shelving system will be available for you as a visitor in the showroom of Stilwerk in Hamburg from 02 June 2022. The Stilwerk at Fischmarkt in Hamburg, known for over 20 years for its exclusive design variety, opens its doors to Tim Labenda."

Personalised advice

Send us your questions via our contact form or contact us by phone or email.

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Contact us

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+49 5742 -

Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Contact options for our specialist distributors

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